Marriage After Baby 10 Tips for Pregnant New Mamas

Hi! Congrats to you new mamas out there! Whether you are expecting, or have a new baby, or are just curious about what the heck having a baby does to your marriage, I hope these 10 tips are insightful to you! Having a baby can be very challenging, and while all marriages are different, these were some of the things that were extremely helpful to my marriage. We by no means have totally figured out, but I thought if I could help even one person just a bit by sharing some things that work for my husband and I, I would be so happy!
Please share in the comments any tips you have! I would love to here what has worked for you!

Here is the site I mentioned that you can use so others are able to easily support you by providing meals in this time of transition.

Lots of love to you and your family! You can do this!


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